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Winning Battle 2020



2020 New Year's Eve is approaching, Senda also ushered in the 25th year, only on behalf of the company to thank all the employees who have paid hard work for the company over the years, thank you for your dedication, thank you for your selfless dedication, and also want to thank shipping people for their support and trust in Senda over the years!

赢战2020 Winning Battle


席间,上海诚达总经理朱昌明先生发表致词:"风雨二十五载, 我们一路同行!我们取得了不错的成绩,我希望全公司在接下来的五年、十年继续上下一致,只争朝夕、与时俱进,自强不息、奋发向上、严谨求实,创造一段新的历史。


In the past 25 years, there are difficulties, there are obstacles, there are mountains, there are valleys, Chengda people always adhere to the "integrity-based, the mission will be reached, insist on being the guardian of ship power" work together to overcome one difficulty after another!

Along the way, we can't forget that every Chengda progress is inseparable from the hard work and dedication of every Chengda person. Hereby, the company selected a group of advanced workers!


欢乐时光 Happy Time


忆过往 惜现在



在此新春佳节来临之际, 仅代表上海诚达恭祝各位新春快乐,万事如意,好运“鼠”于大家!

Poetry, wine, dancing, all together.

Remember the past and cherish the present

Twenty-five years in the same boat

Sail for the future

On the occasion of this New Year, on behalf of Shanghai Chengda, I wish you a happy New Year, all the best, and good luck to you!